23. Oryza ridleyi
Genome: - HHJJ
Chromosome Number(2n):- 48
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand
Morphological character:-
- Perennial, erect to semi-erect tufted grass, usually 1 to 2m tall
- Panicles open
- Spikelets 7.6 to 12.7mm long and 1.6 to 2.9mm wide, with rows of trichomes down the length of the
papery lemma and palea
- Sterile lemmas narrow and flexuous, shorter than lemma
- Awns about 1cm long
- Anthers 2 to 3.4mm long
Specific traits:-
- Resistance to Stem borer,Bacterial leaf blight, Blast
- Rice Knowledge bank, IRRI
- Gramene data source
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